Summer Solstice Gnome Hunt
When spring turns into summer, you might start to notice little ceramic gnomes all around our parks, coming out of their gnome homes to enjoy the sunny weather!
First annual summer-long community scavenger hunt!
This event is live! As of June 22nd, there are close to 200 little ceramic gnomes hidden all over our parks! Designed and created by local artist, Megan Schowalter, and painted by the very talented art classes at the Key Peninsula Middle School and the community at the Red Barn Youth Center, these gnomes will be hidden in Gateway Park, 360 Trails, Volunteer Park, and Home Park. When you find one, you can keep it! Please limit one per family to make sure that others get a chance to find one. All gnomes are hidden on Key Pen Parks property and are easily accessible, so please don't take any side-quests off the beaten path - safety first!
Post a picture to social media with the gnome you find! Tag us on Facebook (@keypenparks) and Instagram (@keypen_parks) and use #kppgnomehunt!
This event is live! As of June 22nd, there are close to 200 little ceramic gnomes hidden all over our parks! Designed and created by local artist, Megan Schowalter, and painted by the very talented art classes at the Key Peninsula Middle School and the community at the Red Barn Youth Center, these gnomes will be hidden in Gateway Park, 360 Trails, Volunteer Park, and Home Park. When you find one, you can keep it! Please limit one per family to make sure that others get a chance to find one. All gnomes are hidden on Key Pen Parks property and are easily accessible, so please don't take any side-quests off the beaten path - safety first!
Post a picture to social media with the gnome you find! Tag us on Facebook (@keypenparks) and Instagram (@keypen_parks) and use #kppgnomehunt!
Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers (not all pictured above) who helped us hide the gnomes. Key Pen Parks appreciates your time and dedication to our community!